Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So tonight I got my first "serious" injury at LCB. I mean, I've cut myself, but it was a tiny cut. Today I burned the entire inside of my index finger (ON MY CUTTING HAND O.o). So that was fun. Other than that I burned my refried beans (the second cooking not the first), my cranberry beans, I overcooked my lentils, etc etc. the only thing I didn't ruin was the hummus. So I got one out of five dishes correct. Luckily they weren't graded :). And hummus is the only dish not cooked, har har. So we made a wierd cranberry bean/asparagus dish, and no it's not cranberries and beans, there are actually beans called cranberry beans, weird right? Then we had refried beans, which was awesome because now I can make fresh refried beans for taco night! And we made tabbouleh, which is like a cold salad with a riceish grain in it. Pretty good. And last but not least we made lentil salad. Which was epically weird.

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