Thursday, August 25, 2011

"Chef, How Do You Spell Scouch?" "DO I LOOK LIKE WEBSTER?!"

So first, fun facts. AP Flour is actually just 50% cake flour and 50% bread flour. So if you ever run out of AP flour (and randomly, for no good reason, have cake flour and bread flour) you can mix some cake and bread flour together and BAM! AP Flour. Next fun fact, have you ever wondered the difference between mayonnaise and Miracle Whip? Mayonnaise is made with egg yolks and Miracle Whip is made with egg whites. That's why mayonnaise is much richer (and Miracle Whip tastes like crap :P). EGADS! So tonight was a busyish night? I'm not actually sure, I pretty much missed the entire thing, (I had too much coffee before hand, plus another cup when I got there AND a cup of sweet tea {yum!}). So I was like working at such a high speed I can't remember anything!! Anywho, we made four soups tonight. Clam Chowder, Cream of Cauliflower, Caldo Verde and Shrimp Bisque. The Shrimp Bisque is very very shrimpy. It needs to be cut with some sort of bread or mixed with pasta or something. I didn't really try any of the Caldo Verde cause I made it last minute and put it in a container so I could clean up. It's like a broth kind of thing flavored with sausage and kale, I brought it home for my dad cause he likes greens. And I brought the Clam Chowder home for my brother cause he likes Clam Chowder. My friend said my Clam Chowder was pretty good (I didn't taste it because I'm not a fan of Clam Chowder). And now to get some sleep! (Gotta study for a soup practical tomorrow, yay).

1 comment:

  1. Oh and I just looked it up, it's technically spelled scooch. But scouch is an alternate spelling.
