Friday, August 19, 2011

WHAT?! No Way!

Got out on time on the last night of the week! That was about the only good thing that happened last night. My parents dropped me off at school because we were already in Sacramento so I forgot my lanyard. Luckily, someone in my class had a spare they lent me. Then, my back was really messed up so I had to sit down during lecture so I didn't get very good notes. Then we had to make hollandaise, mayonnaise, and beurre blanc. My mayonnaise turned out great cause I've made it before. Then with the beurre blanc I burned my reduction the first time so I had to start over. Then the second time I thought I ruined it again so I went up to taste Chef's beurre blanc and had to spit it out it was so gross. So then I had to taste mine four or five times to get the seasoning right and was spitting it out after each taste. Yuck. Then on the hollandaise I made it wrong the first time and the second time I made it the pan was too hot and I cooked the eggs!! AGH! So I asked my suite partner if I could have half of his and the seasoned it and turned it in. It was just an all around hectically, horrible night. I'm ready for the weekend though :)

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