Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm Gonna Miss Him, When I Get Home

Yes, that was a country song reference. Just in case, you know, you didn't get it. So it was our last night with Chef Ted! *sadface* I'm definitely gonna miss him. At least everyone passed the class and so they'll move on with us. I'd hate to leave anyone behind. So tonight was fantasmagorical. We had a delicious buffet of all kinds of food that everyone brought in. I took ribs and La Bete Noire of course (my two most prized dishes). And everyone loved them! Didn't bring any of the ribs home and only brought a third of the cake (but it's super rich, so I don't blame them for not being able to eat it all. Then we had to degrease the worst of the pans which meant we couldn't use the sinks for anything else. So we had to rinse all the dishes and run them through the other class' dishwasher. We also watched this weird movie, I think it's called the god of cookery. Here's like a sneak peek. But it's all in Chinese with English subtitles. So it was a little difficult to keep up with. Still funny though. So we ate delicious food, watched a funny movie, and did dishes. Yupp, that's basically the extent of my night. Oh! And I got two A's in both my classes :)

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