Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Whoa Whoa Whoa, Say What?

So tonight wasn't as bad. Chef Robert is just someone you have to get used to. And he hands out criticism in a very positive way which helps me learn better than just yelling at me because it's wrong. So tonight we made three mother sauces and two small sauces. And your thinking "okay, cool you got to see Chef make some sauces." Wrong. Well technically right because we did see him make it BUT we also made it. All 24 of us. And I know what your thinking, "that's cool that everyone got to make their own sauce." But I was thinking, "dang this is a lot of dishes." :/ So no more royal "we"! Everything Chef demos we make! Pretty cool eh? The only thing I hate about this class is that Chef has a hard time keeping track of the time. So were supposed to get out 11:25 every night. Tonight he was closer, I think we got out about 11:40. But anyways, we made Bechamel, Veloute and Espagnole. And from those mother sauces we made Mornay and Allemand. Allemand is delicious by the way, I brought mine home :). So Chef tried mine and said they were all very well seasoned and that I did a good job except my Allemand wasn't exactly nappe (thick enough). But yay me! I got three of the five mother sauces down! Woo! Now I'm gonna have to beg my parents to buy me some good Tupperware cause I'm gonna be bringing all kinds of food home. ..

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