Thursday, August 18, 2011

We Almost. ..Didn't Make It

I'm honestly beginning to wonder if we'll ever get out on time. Most likely not. But at least we got assigned clean up duties last night instead of scrambling around not knowing what to do. So last night we took our espagnole sauce and turned it into a demi-glace. We then took that and made Sauce Chassuer, Sauce Robert and Merchand de Vin. Then we made a classic tomato sauce and turned that into a Spanish sauce. My station partner Billy and I did pretty well again. I did most of the prep work and he did most of the cooking. And then we separated and seasoned our own sauces. Chef said we both did well except we strained out two of the sauces that weren't supposed to be so we got in trouble for not paying attention to the demo. Oh well. I'm definately going to need something for my back because it was really sore and then standing up all of class made it worse :(. So one last night this week! Weekend here I come! Monday we have our first quiz and Tuesday is our first practical. No recipes. Wish me luck!

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