Thursday, July 14, 2011

"You Can Be Mad As A Hatter Before You Die"

So nothing too interesting today, just wrapping up other things we didn't finish throughout the week. Practicing knife cuts, learning about kitchen tools and equipment. When we were discussing safety and equipment Chef told us that some of the old mixers don't have safety bars to create a barrier between you and the mixer in which the mixer will "happily take your arm off and beat you with it." Right then and there I realized I never wanted to be beaten with my own arm. It was a life-changing moment. That was practically dripping with sarcasm, and if you missed it, you don't know me at all. So we had our first quiz on Monday I think. And I got a 21/25. Which might get bumped to a 22/25 because Chef mislead 23 out of 24 of the students in my class to picking the wrong answer. And my next quiz is on Monday and it's a math quiz about conversions and such. So I'm going to spend the whole weekend studying. NOT! It's my birthday, I gotta party it up lol. So hopefully Monday I won't be too worn out to study. Also, something I've forgotten to put in my blog so far, whenever something is done a certain way that makes no sense or has any culinary relevance, it's usually because it's made to be pretty. So when we ask, "Chef why are we doing this?" Chef Ted responds with, "Because it's pretty!" Because as we all know, half of how food tastes is how it looks. And everything has to be "pretty." It'd be much funnier if you heard it in person because he says it in a slightly gay voice. Also, I learned how to make butterflies out of carrots, in case you wanted a carrot butterfly. If you do, let me know lol. I feel like I'm leaving something out, I was totally going to write something and then forgot. Hmmm *thinking face* Nope! Can't think of it. Oh well, have a great weekend! I'm off to the kitchen to find a snack!

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