Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Such Is Life"

So today in the wonderful world of culinary arts, we learned the art of conversion. Oh yay. First of all, I hate math. Second of all, I suck at math. So converting teaspoons to tablespoons to ounces to cups to pints to quarts to gallons isn't really all that fun. And for those of you who were like, " Oh Karly, your so lucky your going to a culinary arts school you just get to cook all day." WRONG. I don't get to cook, I get to listen to lectures, and take notes and do homework just like the rest of you college people. The bonus to my college experience is, in six weeks, I will be cooking. In six weeks you'll still be listening to lectures and taking notes. I also get out in nine months. While you have 4+ years. Yeah, life sucks for you. Maybe I'll bring you some food to cheer you up. So I love my Chef Instructor, Chef Ted, but today he kept giving me these weird looks, so I'm assuming most people don't doodle on their notes. It's not like we turn them in. At least I don't think we do. If we do he's going to give me a really weird look for drawing a Gir dropping his cupcake and crying with the words "EPIC FAIL" in bold next to him lol. So now to the fun things that Chef Ted spewed in class today: "Who was the sorry SOB who cracked open a shellfish and ate it, he had to be starving to crack open a rock looking thing and drink the snot out of it." And since were going through all the bacteria and viruses you can get from lack of personal hygiene and undercooked food, some of the side effects can include "vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, oh and yeah MAYBE DEATH." But he says it all cheerfully like I actually want to die from eating shellfish, yuck. Oh, and his favorite foodborne illness is Anisakiasis. Which, if you get it, you have a tingling in the back of your throat, and then your coughing up worms. Super fun right? And last but not least we discussed the dangers of eating wild mushrooms which lead to a discussion on truffles, which in turn lead to Chef Ted discussing truffle salt. In my class we will get a chance to try truffle salt, which we will either hate or we will say "oh my god I want to rub this on my body." (That's a direct quote, I don't make this stuff up). We only get to try truffle salt because black truffles run about $200/pound and white truffles run about $1000/pound. So you see the difficulty in attaining those items. Anywho, Goodnight!

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