Friday, July 22, 2011

"It Sucks To Be A Male Cow Born On A Dairy Farm"

So I totally thought today would suck because we weren't doing production but it actually turned out hella  fun because we had more lecture time that allowed Chef Ted to go off on random tangents. So today we learned that you "don't make stocks out of things that smell like farts when you cook them." We also learned that while there are stupid questions, there aren't stupid RELEVANT questions. So didn't do much in the way of work today, just learned about kitchen equipment, stocks and sauces. So if your wondering what my Chef looks like there's a video on youtube of him and a "little indiscriminate lobster murder." So it's late, and I'm tired. I know I didn't really write much, sorry. It's not like people are really reading this lol.

1 comment:

  1. No such thing as a "male cow", it's either a bull or a steer, the latter being most likely to be a "male cow", because he doesn't have what it takes to be a bull anymore :p
