Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Secret Behind The Coat

So the secret, I'm telling you all the secret. All what? Two of you? Haha. So a chefs coat is double buttoned like a pea coat, with two rows of buttons. But the secret behind that is that it also has two rows of button holes. Which means, you can button up your coat either way and if you spill something down the front you can switch sides so that the stain is hidden inside your coat. Why might this be helpful? In case your called into the dining area by a customer and you don't want to look like a sloth. Which brings me to my next point, if you see your chef walk out anytime during your meal and they look dirty and disgusting, stop eating lol. That is the person who just had their hands all over your food, the hands that looked like they haven't been washed in months? Yeah, those hands. If you don't see a chef the best way to check out a new restaurant is to look at the bathroom. If they don't take the time to clean a public restroom that they know everyone will see, then they certainly didn't take time to clean the kitchen that nobody sees. Anyways, enough with the serious stuff. How about a joke? How do you get a small fortune? You start with a large fortune and open your own restaurant. :P Horrible, I know. So here's a history lesson for the day, the history of the word "restaurant." Restaurant is derived from the French word "restaurer" which means to restore. Makes no sense right? But wait, there's more. In old France restaurants were rare, taverns however where plentiful. At some point a bartender at a tavern noticed that people could consume more alcohol if they had something to eat. So he started serving a "restorative soup" at his tavern. Some people didn't like this much and tried to sue him but he won, and so the birthplace of the restaurant. Restaurants were invented so people could spend more money on beer. Interesting right? So today we did some food safety, in which my chef referred to fungi as "creepy crawlers that live inside you." Which was a horrible metaphor, made me imagine spiders crawling around in my body. ..and ugggh *shudder* gross. So the main need for food safety and sanitation is CYA. Which stands for Cover Your Ass. In the food business this is something that you will always need to do or you will get shut down. And California? Strictest health laws in the U.S. So I've decided to get a job out of state. ..And now! Your Zombie Apocalypse advice for the day! In case of a zombie apocalypse, go directly to your nearest motorcycle shop and put on all the leather you can find plus a helmet, so that zombies can't take a bite out of you. And don't get ass less chaps, because that would be embarrassing if the zombies did find you. ..

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