Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's all about GBD

So tonight was an interesting sort of night. It started out weird 'cause we started with production since the lamb and veal would take so long to cook. Also, we actually did all the prep work because Chef sliced his finger pretty bad the other night. Then we had the knife skills test (which I think I did awful on), that included paysanned carrots, tourned potatoes, brunoised potatoes and medium diced onions. Now tournes I'm fairly good at, and my carrots turned out fine. But my brunnoise potatoes were terrible. A brunoise is an 1/8 inch by 1/8 inch cube. Teeeeeny tiny. Then, during cleanup, we watched some youtube videos about AFL. AFL is Australian Football League. And no, it's not like the NFL sissy crap. Oh those poor NFL players who get to wear pads and helmets and take a break every 5 seconds. AFL is like a hardcore version of rugby. Now for those of you who have seen or played rugby, it's intense. AFL is more savage than rugby. It's ridiculous! Lol. But very entertaining. So if you want to see an AFL game, Chef says it comes on ESPN3 and that if you need a team to root for root for the Hawthorne Hawks. So we had a nice little end of the night bonus because one of the other classes brought in cassoulet. Which is like a french casserole of deliciousness! It was so good. Anywho, tomorrow I'm going to try to make Poulet Rote, Pommes Mignonettes. Sounds good right?

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