Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nom Nom Nom

So nothing too interesting today, just the usual serve safe bit and then we had a quiz on conversions. Yikes! I thought I did horribly on it but during clean up Chef said I did pretty well, yay! So I scored well on the hardest test of the course, the math one lol. So because we had a quiz we had less time on demos so all we really worked with today were lemons. We learned how to crown them and make nifty little baskets out of them. I also learned something interesting, the white yucky part of citrus fruits is called pith. And pith is what creates that bitter taste, so if you remove it completely it tastes ten times better! So we also segmented the lemons, which is cutting out little slivers without the pith, which I think are called supremes. And we learned the art of zesting. Tomorrow we begin actual cooking! Not. Well, unless you consider watching water boil as cooking (were starting stocks tomorrow). So no funny stories, class went by really fast, either that or I totally zoned out the entire time. Well, it's off to bed for me!

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