Friday, September 30, 2011

"Stupid Is As Stupid Does, And Stupid Does It Twice."

So last night marked the end of week one. I have five weeks to go! Last night we made spaghetti squash with tomate confrit, sole mueniere, and mussels. The squash was interesting because there's actually a squash that when you roast it and cut it open, it falls apart like spaghetti. The sole mueniere was a fish dish with a farro risotto. yum yum, love sole. And then mussels. Random? I've never had or cooked mussels before. They have always reminded me of a loogie in a shell. But I tried it! I figure, it's culinary school, were supposed to be broadening our horizons, trying new things, and I'm not paying for it! So I tried it, they had a weird flavor. They cook really quickly though. Not something I'd pay $30 bucks for. Anywho, all my dishes turned out pretty well, just some minor detail mistakes.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Exhausted. ..

So exhausted from tonight. Wondering if the next six weeks are going to be exactly like this O.O

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"Squeaky Wheel Gets The Grease"

GOODNESS GRACIOUS. I may or may not die within the next six weeks. My new Chef is very OCD and VERY confusing. Half the time he's all buddy buddy and cracking jokes. And the other half the time he's strictly serious. So I'm like "haha that's a funny joke Chef- oh crap, yes sir, I am doing my stuff." And then he's all yelling at us that we should be "cleaning not leaning" and everything was clean, so I'm not sure what I was supposed to do, clean stuff that's already been cleaned? To be fair, I have to give him a full week before I completely write him off because I didn't really like Chef Robert at first, I thought he was all disorganized and flighty. But then he turned out to be super cool and laid back. And now I'm being trained by this strict OCD dude and I don't know how to handle it haha. And I'm pretty unhappy that 2 + 2 doesn't always equal four in the cooking world. In Chef Ted's class he told us a hot stock has to go with a cold rue and vice versa, and in Chef Robert's class he said it didn't matter, that he had done hot roux and hot stock for twenty years and didn't see a difference. And now, back in Chef Cory's class, he said it HAD to be a HOT stock and a COLD roux and vice versa. And I'm like, can't all Chef's agree on the basic principles?

Sunday, September 25, 2011


So finals are done and monday I'm starting my new class. Nervous and excited at the same time. Oh and yes, I got an A :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Been Busy

So I haven't blogged yet this week and it's already Wednesday. I've been real busy because it's finals week and so I'm making sure everything is in order and that all my homework is ready to be turned in. Plus a three page paper on an exotic fruit, grain or vegetable. Fun right? Also, we haven't really made much this week because we've been taking our written final and practicing for our practicals. And on top of all that, I've been working like a maniac to get a job at the airport as a prep cook, (and the agency I'm applying through is run by idiots). So we'll see how that goes. If I get I get it, if I don't I don't. I'm leaving it up to God at this point. I feel the need to take a nap and it's ten a.m. It's gonna be a long day, wish me luck :/.
p.s. I'll probably open up a new album on facebook and start posting all my pictures there.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Workin' 9 To 5

So I totally forgot to post wednesday night and so I'm just going to do wednesday and thursday together! So, wednesday was pollo night! Yum yum. (Pollo is spanish for chicken :P). We made an entire roast chicken. That was delicious (I ate the skin off of all of it! Hah!). And then we fabricated a chicken, (it was my first time so I didn't do so good on that), and we took an airline breast and a leg and thigh piece and stuffed them. The breast was stuffed with a mushroom duxelle saute. And the leg and thigh was stuffed with a toasted pecan and panko mixture. Then on thursday we made a Poele Canard and Sole Meuniere. Poele Canard is a roast duck leg (which was weirdish). And the Sole Meuniere is a sauted flat fish (sole). The fish was soooooo goood. I brought some home to make it for lunch!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How I Managed To Cut My Finger Doing Dishes? I Have No Idea

TONIGHT WAS EPIC! I made the most delicious pork chops ever! I also pounded out some veal and made some weird veal dish with a cream mushroom sauce. My mashed potatoes were also pretty epic. And then I had some weird panko breaded potato cake. Also a lettuce, bacon, pea mixture. That was delicious! So all in all a pretty good night, Chef said my pork was a little undercooked but everything else was good. YUM! Anybody want me to come over and make them pork chops?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fish And Chips

Had a lovely night full of fried foods. Fattening yet delicious. We made pan-fried fish fillets, fresh french fries, fresh tartar sauce (to go with our fish), deep fried shrimp, and lamb stew. Yeah the lamb stew was kind of a throw off, don't know why we did that on the night we were frying everything else. So my fish, shrimp and fries all turned out pretty good. I didn't get a chance to try my stew because we had to hurry and start on clean up. But I brought it home with me. So that's pretty much all we did last night. And I almost cut my pinky off with my boning knife! O_o Horrible. Ouchies.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Salad, Salad, Salad

So if you want to know what my Chef looks like: Chef Robert. And anyways, tonight was slow so not much to write. We just made three salads. A mixed greens one. One with potatoes and vinaigrette. And one with tuna, kalamata olives, hard boiled eggs, potatoes, anchovy fillets, tomatoes, green beans and vinaigrette. Sounds disgusting, I know (I didn't eat it lol). So yupp! Nighty night.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wow. I'm uber retarded.

Totally forgot to blog last night and now I'm doing it at the school in the library haha. So last night was pasta night. Which was delicious! We hand-cranked out our own pasta (which took forever). Because I think we had about a pound or so of dough. Which you have to crank through at level 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8. And since every time you crank it through it gets longer you usually have to cut it and then do both slices separately. Took a VERY long time. Luckily I had the help of my superhero suite mate Billy! Woo! So our pasta dough turned out good, and it cut good, but something went wrong in the cooking process part of it because both of our fettuccine and ravioli turned out sucky. And because the dough took so long by the time we started cooking it was already time for clean up! Ridiculous. Anywho, now I know how to make pasta from scratch! So if you want to be super special, you can buy me a pasta roller thingy for Christmas and I'll make all the fresh pasta you want! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

"You Wanna See My Syrup?" "I Bet You Say That To All The Cooks."

Tonight was sooooo easy. A practical on rice pilaf, green bean saute, duchesse potatoes and glazed carrots. I got 29.5 out of 30. My glaze wasn't quite thick enough and I totally burnt my beans cause I left them on the stove without watching them, still taste good though. Then we had a demo on pasta dough, which were doing when we get back on Tuesday (Monday is a holiday). And then we had so much time left over we played some culinary hangman. All in all a good night. Four day weekend here I come!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I Say Po-tay-toe You Say Po-tot-toe

So tonight was better, I was still a bit frazzled from my usual lack of caffeine. We made a total of five dishes tonight. Polenta, Wheatbeans with Pecans and Poblano, Duchesse Potatoes, Anna Potato and Potato Gratin D. (some fancy french word I can't remember). Basically, Polenta=yellow grits. Wheatbeans=I'm not really sure because I've never eaten anything quite like it. The original recipe was really bland though so Chef had us add some chili powder and cumin. The Duchesse potatoes were basically mashed potatoes we added egg yolk and clarified butter and piped them through pastry bags to look like this: Duchesse Potatoes. And then toasted them in the oven so they crisped up a little on the outside. The Anna Potatoes were like a complete waste of time because it was honestly just potatoes toasted in butter. The Potato Gratin was good though, I brought some home :) yum. Anywho, if any of you guys are reading these thinking these things I'm describing sound delicious, hit me up and I can hook you up with a recipe. Most of them are pretty easy to follow!