Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So Chef Adrain might be my favorite Chef ever. She's lots of fun yet all business at the same time. I already feel like I've learned a lot in this class. Last night we made Gateau St. Honore, random I know. And we were supposed to make eclairs as well but didn't have time. This week were finishing out the week with pies for thanksgiving and then next week we jump into cakes. (I'm nervous). Not because I suck at making cakes, but because I'm like a Nazi when it comes to frosting. I'm like the most OCD froster ever. So I might have lots of issues with that. Tonight were making some sort of almond cream puffs. I'm really glad that I decided to go to Le Cordon Bleu, the program is amazing, the Chefs are inspiring and the food is superb. Possibly one of the best life decisions I've made so far. If your into cooking, and you want to build a career on that, then I recommend Le Cordon Bleu :).

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